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- QDT Themes FAQ v1.06
- =================================================================
- 1. What is a desktop theme?
- 2. Where do I find themes?
- 3. Where do I find good themes?
- 4. How do I download themes?
- 5. How do I install themes?
- 6. How do I find a particular theme?
- 7. How do I create themes?
- 8. What is the difference between Plus! 95 and Plus! 98 themes?
- 9. Can I use Plus! 95 themes in Plus! 98 and vice versa?
- 10. Can I use a theme designed for a different screen resolution?
- 11. How do I restore the original startup/shutdown screens?
- 12. Solutions to other known problems
- =================================================================
- ------------------------------------------
- 1. What is a desktop theme?
- A desktop theme is a convenient way of converting several aspects of the desktop environment
- at the same time. A (complete) theme consists of cursors, icons, sound files, wallpaper,
- color scheme and an installation file with the extension ".theme". Sometimes themes also
- include screensavers and startup/shutdown screens.
- Desktop themes are usually based on some specific topic, e. g. a movie, a band or a
- game. There are thousands of themes available on the web, ranging from top quality
- professional creations to amateurish crap.
- ------------------------------------------
- 2. Where do I find themes?
- There are lots of theme sites on the web. They can roughly be divided into five basic
- categories:
- a) Sites that store themes.
- Theme World (http://www.themeworld.com/)
- Custom Effects (http://www.customeffects.com/)
- Windows 95 Themes Collection (ftp://ftp.ntua.gr/pub/pc/win95.themes/)
- WinThemes.com (http://www.winthemes.com/)
- Tucows Free Themes (http://www.freethemes.com/)
- b) Sites that offer vast collections of organized theme links.
- Trish's Theme Terrain (http://trish.interspeed.net/)
- The Unleashed (http://www.theunleashed.com/)
- Desktop Heaven (http://www.desktopheaven.com/)
- Themez (http://www.themez.com/)
- c) Sites that offer a limited amount of themes, often produced by the site owner(s).
- Vanessa Zoe (http://welcome.to/vanessa-zoe)
- Quality Desktop Themes (http://www.themes.nu/)
- Themes by Gates (http://welcome.to/themes)
- Ouija's Reality (http://strangetimes.interspeed.net/Themes/ouija.htm)
- Cap'n Jim's Homepage (http://jim.geek.net/)
- themes you never knew existed... (http://tynke.simplenet.com/)
- Choc Fiction (http://www.multimania.com/chocfiction/index.html)
- Digital Themes (http://www.digital-themes.com/)
- Judd's Theme Bar (http://www.wwics.com/~yanceyj/)
- Ill-Tempered (http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Lakes/8359/)
- d) Sites that offer theme reviews with ratings, previews and written commentary.
- The Theme Doctor (http://themedoctor.com/)
- Dream Theme (http://www.mountvalley.com/dreamtheme/)
- Themez (http://www.themez.com/)
- e) Sites that offer collections of links to different theme sites.
- Desktop Themes Ring (http://www.webring.org/cgi-bin/webring?home;ring=plusthemes)
- Plus! Themes Ring (http://www.cyberhighway.net/~nr9/plusthemes/ring/)
- Theme Central Station (http://www.agt.net/public/niki/themes.htm)
- ------------------------------------------
- 3. Where do I find good themes?
- In fact most themes on the web are of rather poor quality. It would be safe to say that
- about one theme in five is worthwhile, and about one in ten is really good. If you are
- looking for high quality themes you should consider visiting The Theme Doctor
- (http://themedoctor.com/), where you'll find the best themes on the web, rated,
- reviewed and previewed.
- ------------------------------------------
- 4. How do I download themes?
- On most sites the download instructions are very simple. You usually just click on the
- theme name.
- Sometimes servers are very busy, resulting in slow or even stagnant downloads. To solve
- this problem, get an application called "GetRight" (http://www.getright.com/). It allows you
- to resume downloads. So if a server starts giving you a hard time when you've downloaded a
- portion of a file, you can simply abort the download and resume it later (i. e. without
- having to download the file all over again). Another outstanding download application is
- "FileHound" (http://www.nexi.com/albinofrog/).
- ------------------------------------------
- 5. How do I install themes?
- Themes are almost without exception stored in zip format. This means you'll need a 32 bit
- version of WinZip (http://www.winzip.com/) to extract themes.
- To install themes, you'll need to use some theme application. Microsoft Plus! is the
- most common and probably the best application. But there are several other programs that
- work just as well, e. g. "Desktop Themes" (ftp://ftp.lss.com.au/desktopt.zip) or
- "XTheme Manager" (http://www.vclxx.com/download/xtm22.zip).
- Most themes are very easy to install. Just unzip them to your theme directory and
- install. But some themes are improperly coded. The most common mistake made is that the
- .theme file refers to directories or files that are missing or have nothing to do with the
- theme in question. Luckily, such mistakes are very easy to fix. A .theme file is simply a
- large batch file, i. e. a text file assigning paths to different files. A .theme file simply
- tells windows where to find wallpaper, cursors, icons, etc. If you open it in Notepad, you
- will almost immediately grasp the structure of the code. If a .theme file contains errors
- you can edit it very easily to fix it.
- ------------------------------------------
- 6. How do I find a particular theme?
- If you are looking for a theme based on some particular subject, but can't find it, try
- the following:
- a) First try searching the largest theme sites, e. g. "http://www.themez.com/",
- "http://www.theunleashed.com/", "http://www.desktopheaven.com/".
- b) If you still can't find it, try searching AltaVista (http://www.altavista.com/)
- with the following commands:
- +"desktop themes" +subject (e. g. titanic, jurassic park, starcraft)
- +"desktop theme" +titanic
- +themes +"jurassic park"
- +desktop +theme +starcraft
- c) You can request themes at Theme World (http://www.themeworld.com/).
- d) You could also create your own theme.
- ------------------------------------------
- 7. How do I create themes?
- There is a brilliant theme creation tutorial available on the web, created by Joey Holt. It
- can be downloaded from the following location:
- http://www.themeworld.com/cgi-bin/redir.pl/themestu.zip
- A comprehensive tutorial is also available at Tucows Free Themes (http://www.freethemes.com/).
- ------------------------------------------
- 8. What is the difference between Plus! 95 and Plus! 98 themes?
- Plus! 95 and Plus! 98 themes are basically very similar. There are however a few important
- differences:
- *Plus! 98 themes have more advanced color schemes.
- *Plus! 98 themes have an additional icon for the "My Documents" folder.
- *Plus! 98 themes have a different icon code. This is the only compatibility problem.
- *Plus! 98 themes usually include Win98 webview images.
- ------------------------------------------
- 9. Can I use Plus! 95 themes in Plus! 98 and vice versa?
- Plus! 95 themes work fine in Plus! 98. However, the icons of a Plus! 98 theme will not load
- in Plus! 95. This problem is very easy to fix however. If you have a Plus! 98 theme and want
- the icons to work in Plus! 95, you can edit the .theme file in Notepad to fix the problem.
- A Plus! 98 .theme file icon code looks like this:
- [Software\Classes\CLSID\{20D04FE0-3AEA-1069-A2D8-08002B30309D}\DefaultIcon]
- DefaultValue=%ThemeDir%Theme My Computer.ico,0
- A Plus! 95 .theme file icon code looks like this:
- [CLSID\{20D04FE0-3AEA-1069-A2D8-08002B30309D}\DefaultIcon]
- DefaultValue=%ThemeDir%Theme My Computer.ico,0
- So just remove all instances of the line "Software\Classes\" from the icon code, and the
- icons will load.
- ------------------------------------------
- 10. Can I use a theme designed for a different screen resolution?
- Windows does a really terrible job of stretching or shrinking images to screen size. So if
- you want to use a theme with a wallpaper in a different size than your screen resolution,
- you should either adjust your screen resolution, or resize the wallpaper with an image
- editor. The perfect image editor is ThumbsPlus (http://www.cerious.com/).
- ------------------------------------------
- 11. How do I restore the original startup/shutdown screens?
- The startup screen is called "Logo.sys" and is located on the root directory C:\. Just
- delete it and the original windows startup screen will appear the next time you boot.
- The two shutdown screens are called "Logow.sys" and "Logos.sys", and are located in
- the windows directory C:\WINDOWS\.
- The original English logo screens can be downloaded from
- http://home1.swipnet.se/~w-15625/w95logos.zip (Windows95)
- http://home1.swipnet.se/~w-15625/w98logos.zip (Windows98)
- http://home1.swipnet.se/~w-15625/plus98logos.zip (Plus98)
- ------------------------------------------
- 12. Solutions to other known problems
- a) MPEG Layer-3 sound files
- b) Jpeg filter with Office 97 and FrontPage 98
- --------
- a) Some people experience problems with MPEG Layer-3 format sound files. The newer version of
- NetShow (MediaPlayer) doesn't seem to install the MPEG Layer-3 codec to function properly
- for all applications. If this is the case you can download the older NetShow v2.0 package,
- available at "http://www.microsoft.com/msdownload/netshow20/05000.htm". If you wish to apply
- a newer player later on, just install the newer version on top of NetShow v2.0.
- As an alternative, you can also download a small (233k) MPEG Layer-3 Codec installer at
- "http://themedoctor.com/sounds/l3codecp.zip". This software has been thoroughly
- tested on several system configurations. However, since this codec installer doesn't produce
- the same sound quality as NetShow, this alternative should be considered only by those who
- experience insurmountable problems with NetShow.
- To install NetShow 2.0 in Windows 98, you don't need to download anything. Make sure your
- Windows98 CD is nearby and: (1) Click Start, point to Settings, click Control Panel, and
- double-click on Add/Remove Programs; (2) Click the Windows Setup tab, click Multimedia, and
- then click Details; (3) Select the Audio Compression check box and the Microsoft NetShow
- Player 2.0 check box; (4) Click the Apply button, and then follow the instructions that
- appear on your screen.
- --------
- b) If you install Office 97 or FrontPage 98, this will cause a conflict with the themes.exe
- jpeg filter. Themes with wallpapers in jpg format will not install. You will get the
- following error message: "Themes caused an invalid page fault in module Themes.exe at
- 014F:0040ABC6".
- To solve this problem, download the updated themes.exe. This file is available from the
- following locations:
- http://home1.swipnet.se/~w-15625/themes.zip
- http://trish.interspeed.net/themes/fixit.zip
- http://themedoctor.com/tools/themes.zip
- Just replace your current themes.exe located in the Plus! directory.
- ____________________________________________________________________________________________